Dear colleagues,
First fo all, I want to thank Mr. LaVerne Bintner for spectacular event!!!
It was a great pleasure to meet you all, I found it very valuable course to attend and share all the ideas and experience.
Yesterday during the lunch with Mr. Bintner we had a discussion about RE/MAX Europe convention. Hope you all would agree, that for Europe it is very important to have such an event.
So we would like to invite you to pertisipate in discussion to make this happen.
Also wanted to thank Marco Ramberti for inviting us to see his office. He came up with idea, which most of us support - to encourage our agents to travel and see different regions, share the experience and refferals. Using this upportunity we would to invite You and your agents to come visit our beautifull country Lithuania and it‘s capital Vilnius see our offices, meet out broker owners and agents.
Please let us know if you would need help with accomodations.
Mindaugas Kazlauskas
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